The Art of Qi with Cynthia
It is my goal and mission to help people of all ages and abilities progress on a path towards wellness through self-healing by using several ancient and modern healing systems including Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, and Sound Work.
Believe in something greater, Know anything is possible and Never give up
UPDATE July 2021!
“The ONE (Eternal One) gives birth to the TWO (the Tai Chi),
The TWO gives birth to the THREE (the 3 Treasures)
The THREE gives birth to the 10,000 THINGS.” Chapter 42 The Tao Te Ching – Lao Tsu
Powered by Qi
Please check out my Posts from the last year below
Inspiration 9 – Power
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world". - Marianne Williamson The practice of Yoga, Tai Chi and...
WTCQD 2017 at Meadowlark Gardens
So honored to have been part of this beautiful day. I was part of a wonderful group of volunteers for Peaceable Dragon that organized and facilitated this annual event. (It is always the last Saturday of April - mark your calendars for next year!) We were honored to...
Article – Why Tai Chi Is As Good For You As CrossFit
Subject: Why Tai Chi Is As Good For You As CrossFit